Do you consider yourself a miracle? 
Do you keep in great account your life and your uniqueness? 
Every day do you pay tribute to yourself and the life in you? 
Do you get excited for your existence? 
Do you celebrate the 'simple' fact that you exist? 

Or do you let your state of mind depend on external factors?

Feelings exist without any reason to exist. Man creates reasons for feelings and usually without realizing it because it simply has no interest in himself! He thinks that the source of his feelings is outside of himself: in his appearance, in his job, in his amusements, in things and people, in the events, but that is not life! Those are interpretations of life.
Love, happiness, joy, serenity, peace and above all Love exist without reason, just like every other state of Being, it is Man who chooses the associations that cause his feelings or that justify them, and in so doing he also creates the possibility of suffering for himself because that transfers his power over something outside of Self. It has been taught you to do so from childhood until now, and you pass the same concept to your kids: if they accomplish a certain condition you award them otherwise you punish them, just likely it happened to you when your were children. If you observe children properly when they're 3-4 years old, because at that time they have not yet developed self-awareness, you will notice that their feelings are instinctive and disconnected from external factors, but later on by parental education, then by the education in school and from society children begin to form an awareness that separates them from the unconditioned state of feelings, creating an inner separation. In adulthood that separation generates suffering because the person is forced to seek the object or the subject associated with that certain feeling, often unconsciously. It is to get out of this spiral of suffering that Man is driven to seek Unity and the only place where he can find it is within himself, there is no other place because there is no other source for his suffering save in the separation from his inner unity
It is the separation from himself that creates the illusion of separation between Self and the external world, and this gives rise to the greatest illusion of all illusions that Man experiences: the outside!
In this division Man feels to be powerless and subject to the outside because he binds his state of being to the presence or absence of something or someone, to external factors, when in fact in the beginning it was never so.

Only by learning the meaning of the nature of his Being then Man grasps the unity between himself and the outside world. It's when he discovers that a movement of his inner feeling causes a change in the outside world that he realises his power over the world and then his responsibility.

You can attach feelings to reasons, so to be disappointed if those reasons are not present, and easily being led to believe that those feelings do not exist or that you are exempted from feeling them; or you can observe and contemplate the practical concept that feelings are essentially unrelated to reasons and then realise that you're free to conduct your emotional state. To this you arrive if you unlearn the logic of feelings learned over the years, the one that depends on the traditional concept of life as an external manifestation independent from Man and not as caused by his inner being, hence a master for Man because his mirror. 

Yes, you can teach yourselves that you're always free in the choice of your feelings regardless of the circumstances, so  to disentangle yourselves from any external reason to feel them, this is accomplished when you identify yourselves as the  only reason of your life. Many may be shocked by such egocentrism but spirituality is egocentrism! Because spirituality is to be concerned with 'your Father's business ' which is the Self, the human consciousness that resides in your inner 'kingdom' and from there it rules your life. In modern society Man's daily occupation goes against this fundamental principle that is at the base of Creation, in fact he usually isn't concerned with his Self, his attention doesn't go to the cause of life but to its manifestations.

Only if you grasp and acknowledge yourselves to be your purpose in life you can love yourselves and celebrate your life every day without any reason and as a result you will be safe from disappointment because in total control of your emotional state which is the solely responsible of the nature of your external world because the external is the extension of your inner state.

How do you become your reason for living?

Meditating on this question: 

The life that animates your body and that through the body of your mother has formed your body is the universal intelligence that without your intervention provides to start and complete every function that keeps you alive, adjusting it and supporting it even when you're not aware and you're easily not aware all the time and that is a fortune because the only act of placing your attention on one aspect of your body disturbs it, try right now to think of your breath and you will notice in your breathing a change, typically a slow down effect, just to show you an example.
That life which is intelligence and that animates you, works for you constantly and you have nothing to do to help it, i.e. in your breathing, the beating of your heart, your digestion, the pumping of your blood, to assimilate and expell substances from your body yet every single function that keeps you alive is made perfect! Do you notice this miracle every day? The reason that keeps you alive is life itself and easily you fail to grasp it because you don't notice it, occupied in contemplating something else outside of you that could give you reasons to wonder. Without having wonder of your Self in your eyes it is not possible for you to observe wonder in the extension of your Self, that is the outside.

Distracted by the outside, as if it were the cause of all daily feelings and moods, you forget yourselves and the miracle that is happening within you at all times. The communion with yourselves in silent contemplation of the life within you is easily ignored, yet within you lies the Spirit that gave you life and animates you and sustains all Creation. From that Spirit, universal consciousness, no one can be separated, even after the physical death. Seeking life on the outside of Self means to confuse the reflections with the cause that originated them: consciousness.
It's by ignoring this source that Man loses contact with the unity of the Self, which is oneness with all Creation because that same life animates every being and manifestation, it is a division that brings unhappiness because division generates powerlessness. In division there is conflict and there is no harmony nor peace. Only the understanding of the Self allows Man to compose again the inner unity and consequently that with all Creation. It's by regaining contact with himself that he can feel the pulsing of life and grasp the consciousness behind his individuality and behind his every perception.

You are not your feelings!

You are your feelings only within the state of consciousness that you're wearing but in reality you are much bigger than what you think and how you feel because you're infinite consciousness that is limited in those emotions and thoughts that are your memory, which governs your life. Only by entering within yourselves you can realize how inconsistent are the reasons for the feelings you're feeling. Don't be lead by memories in the choice of feelings, become aware of your real infinite value and fall in love with yourselves because of that infinite value that transcends all reason and your suffering will cease.

Marvel at the life within you and you will be allowed to see the wonder reflected on the outside because every man can only find on the outside what he already has in himself because it's the inner condition he abides, namely the psychological state that he embodies, to express itself on the outer world and to be the interpretative lens of the external world. Your consciousness expands if your attitude towards yourselves surpasses the present one and in consequence also your attitude towards life will change allowing a similar change on the outside. Have an attitude of wonder towards yourselves and life will respond to that new state of consciousness by manifesting circumstances that will marvel you.

The wonder of life is already within you: it's life itself!

** * **

“People travel to wonder at the height of the mountains, at the huge waves of the seas, at the long course of the rivers, at the vast compass of the ocean, at the circular motion of the stars, and yet they pass by themselves without wondering.”
(St. Augustine of Hippo)

** * **

Do not limit yourself to the conditions you live if you don't like them! The kind of life you're experiencing is related to what you think of yourselves, but you're not what you think you are, you are a minimum part of the infinite possibilities of life and you can become what you want only if you have real intention, CHANGE YOUR FUTURE in the direction YOU choose. 


Alcuni casi di successo:

Alcuni casi di successo:

P., imprenditore, voleva guadagnare un milione di euro, questa fu una sfida da parte sua perchè non credeva assolutamente che potesse essere possibile, eppure nel giro di un anno e mezzo accadde. Dopo tale manifestazione si è ricreduto e si è posto come obiettivo sei milioni di euro.

- Incremento di Fatturato -

P. aveva debiti per qualche decina di migliaia di euro, aveva subìto pignoramenti, perso il lavoro, e non vedeva via d'uscita a quella situazione perchè i creditori lo incalzavano. In tale situazione il suo matrimonio iniziava a barcollare anche perchè iniziò a deprimersi, non trovava più voglia di vivere, nè di lavorare, ed era caduto nella disperazione. Con l'uso delle legge della coscienza nel giro di tre mesi i suoi debiti furono spazzati letteralmente, lui ritrovò entusiasmo e potè ricominciare una nuova vita come desiderava.

- Eliminazione di debiti -

V. aveva perso interesse nella vita, senza lavoro, senza casa, senza motivazione, viveva passivamente e ospite di un amico dove dormiva sul suo divano. Era considerato pressappoco un fallimento. Dopo circa un anno dall'inizio di uso delle mie tecniche i risultati sono stati: V. ha iniziato a ricevere proposte di lavoro (è un artigiano) senza cercarle, tanto da arrivare ad avere una lista di attesa e dovere ingaggiare un aiutante. Ha preso casa e di bella metratura, non una precaria sistemazione. Il denaro fluisce abbondantemente nella sua vita e gli permette di coltivare anche le sue passioni. Ha implementato le sue relazioni familiari e recuperato autostima e stima altrui.

- Trasformazione globale di vita -

T., impiegato in un lavoro dipendente, aveva il desiderio di lavorare da casa almeno due giorni a settimana, ciò senza compromettere la sua posizione lavorativa, le sue mansioni, il suo stipendio, il suo contratto di lavoro con i relativi benefici. Tramite l'uso della legge della coscienza dopo due mesi circa, l'azienda per cui lavora gli comunicò di essere stato prescelto per un progetto di lavoro da casa da effettuarsi in due giorni a settimana, giorni di sua scelta. Successivamente ha manifestato di lavorare totalmente da casa sua.

- Trasformazione del lavoro dipendente -

P., imprenditore, voleva guadagnare un milione di euro, questa fu una sfida da parte sua perchè non credeva assolutamente che potesse essere possibile, eppure nel giro di un anno e mezzo accadde. Dopo tale manifestazione si è ricreduto e si è posto come obiettivo sei milioni di euro.

- Aumento di fatturato -

E. voleva che la figlia che viveva all'estero insieme al suo compagno tornasse a vivere nella sua città e vicino a lei, provvisto un lavoro di livello per il suo compagno e la casa dei loro sogni. Le dissi come fare e mise in pratica. Dopo 3 mesi seppi che tutto quello era manifestato.

- Uso della coscienza per altre persone -

S.  dopo nemmeno 2 settimane dopo la fine del mio corso Cambia il Tuo Futuro, con l'applicazione delle giuste tecniche imparate, ha ricevuto l' aumento di stipendio che desiderava.

- Aumento di stipendio -

Una coppia voleva cambiare casa e ne aveva addocchiata una che piaceva loro ma non era in vendita, con un paio di tecniche di uso consapevole della coscienza accadde che dopo circa tre mesi ne diventarono i proprietari, di fatti la proprietà di quello specifico appartamento cambió idea e decise di venderlo, ovviamente proponendolo a tale coppia che lo poté acquistare alla cifra che avevano deciso di pagare.

- Casa -

(come vedete non dovete essere agenti immobiliari per far mettere in vendita una casa!)
Questa é la testimonianza di un caso piuttosto complesso, molto doloroso ma risolto felicemente anche grazie alla grande forza di volontà e dedizione della persona in questione che non si arrese nemmeno nei momenti più bui. Tale persona era caduta in un profondo stato depressivo, pensava continuamente al suicidio, era piombata in miseria, solitudine, deperimento fisico e psicologico, → Ha riconquistato la gioia di vivere, di amarsi, di amare la sua vita ed i suoi cari con cui ha ripristinato le relazioni. Ha ridisegnato la sua vita e conformata ai suoi desideri. Il suo incubo ormai è scomparso, trasformato in un canto di gioia, ha ripreso a vivere e forgiato la sua vita a suo piacimento.

- Trasformazione personale e di vita -

Vorresti essere il prossimo caso di successo?


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