IF YOU DON'T LIKE YOUR JOB - an experience
I want to bring this recent (I posted the Italian article on March, 6th) experience because I know I can be of help to many readers in the same or similar situations.
I received a phone call, one of several phone calls in which an operator proposed me a new phone plan. It was the same operator who called yesterday and proposed me the same phone plan that I politely told I wasn't interested in and I repeated it today. Given her insistence during the second call but also her insecurity, I realized that the only way to help her was to explain why she needed to insist in her sale: she got the wrong customer, me!
This observation / suggestion is for those who manage those operators as well as other sales force : you cannot receive closures of sales by operators who are not trained in the right way (namely mentally!) to sell. They wouldn't call customers without been mentally prepared for the negotiation and particularly for its outcome! Know that all successful sales people (in general all the successful people!) are succesful psychologically in first instance and then practically! I have seen sellers that after applying some adjustments to their way of thinking and interpreting their work have defined and then realized exactly those pre-determined sales even though they had no training or experience in that field. I remember a salesman who could not close sales of insurance policies just because his employer had given him the belief that he was not good at selling because he didn't have many years of experience and told him that he could become a good salesman only after years of experience. In that way the employer had, through his lack of knowledge of mental power, caused himself a damage and consequently to his seller collaborator. Of course, the seller put into practice some methodologies that I told him to create closed sales and then within the first month he exceeded his employer's sales.
I received a phone call, one of several phone calls in which an operator proposed me a new phone plan. It was the same operator who called yesterday and proposed me the same phone plan that I politely told I wasn't interested in and I repeated it today. Given her insistence during the second call but also her insecurity, I realized that the only way to help her was to explain why she needed to insist in her sale: she got the wrong customer, me!
I helped her to realise she was going through the same
experience of the day before and this because of her consciousness and so I
explained and clarified, whilst not knowing anything about her, that you
cannot achieve success through something that you don't love to do and in which
you don't believe. That probably occured because she easily accepted that kind of job just not to remain without a job, a job
for which perhaps she had not even been prepared, that maybe it was a job
that she would have never chosen if it'ì hadn't been for the mirage of a
salary, in fact she nodded. I
told her not to let circumstances frighten her and to determine for herself a goal for a job that best suited her expectations and not those of society that dictates that there is a shortage of job opportunities
because society is based on a logic called FEAR. I
pointed out that it's not possible to close a sale without
pre-determining the outcome of the sale because life doesn't happen by chance and with the state of consciousness of those who work on fatality,
the experience is left to fate and not to certainty. She
confirmed everything with great kindness and that she wouldn't lose the hope for a different job, and I explained, and this I show you too, that hoping is not a state of consciousness that defines success. Therefore I showed her and now I also show you for your benefit: if you find yourself in a similar
situation, don't just simply hope that a change will happen! Decide it!
takes courage and determination to not accept to work in a job you don't like, and with that
I'm not inviting you to become unemployed and to quit your job that is now giving you
an income. I'm telling
you, as I said to that worker, to clearly define your career goals,
which could be in the current job that you don't like or in another one you'd love more, it does'n matter the context. Each
context changes if you grasp the concept that the external belongs to
you as your extension, only by grasping that concept you can relax and feel of not being a prisoner of what you're living.
Start from where
you are, even if it is not your final working aspiration and do it
as best as you can in those circumstances by defining the outcome of
your work and not by leaving it to chance, in so doing you can develop a
success consciousness, but at the same time define and then
keep firm a vision of your professional future as it was realised. Consider
the actual situation as an invitation to be aware of what you
really want to realise and define it accurately, don't leave your
future to chance or to what society dictates, only when you eliminate your inner limitations then the external ones disappear and you'll be able to foresee possibilities, afterward it will be your faith in yourselves to help you reach your vision.
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This observation / suggestion is for those who manage those operators as well as other sales force : you cannot receive closures of sales by operators who are not trained in the right way (namely mentally!) to sell. They wouldn't call customers without been mentally prepared for the negotiation and particularly for its outcome! Know that all successful sales people (in general all the successful people!) are succesful psychologically in first instance and then practically! I have seen sellers that after applying some adjustments to their way of thinking and interpreting their work have defined and then realized exactly those pre-determined sales even though they had no training or experience in that field. I remember a salesman who could not close sales of insurance policies just because his employer had given him the belief that he was not good at selling because he didn't have many years of experience and told him that he could become a good salesman only after years of experience. In that way the employer had, through his lack of knowledge of mental power, caused himself a damage and consequently to his seller collaborator. Of course, the seller put into practice some methodologies that I told him to create closed sales and then within the first month he exceeded his employer's sales.
Pay attention to the limiting beliefs imposed by the 'logic' and experience because nothing is impossible to consciousness.
The success of your business is not given by your sales figures, although it is a measure, but by your mental preparation and the one you provide to your employees / vendors / collaborators! Invest on mental power and you can determine with certainty your earnings regardless of your business sector and its circumstances, the rule is for all area because there is only one power: consciousness.
The success of your business is not given by your sales figures, although it is a measure, but by your mental preparation and the one you provide to your employees / vendors / collaborators! Invest on mental power and you can determine with certainty your earnings regardless of your business sector and its circumstances, the rule is for all area because there is only one power: consciousness.
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" Consciousness is knowingness "
(D. Bohm)
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