The first rule for a wonderful life? Love yourselves!
The Bible instructs us on the fundamental power of loving oneself:
When asked 'Master which is the great commandment in the law?'
Jesus, the symbol of the Man awakened to his infinite inner power, answered:
'You shall love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. '
Jesus, the symbol of the Man awakened to his infinite inner power, answered:
'You shall love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. '
What greater love can allow Man to do all that he does? Look at all the facts in the world and you immediately realize that there is no limit to the use of the imagination, if only it was used according to the most important biblical commandments, which are essentially two, only love and harmony would exist in this world. If only every man grabbed the concept of its essence every fight would cease. Becoming aware of this power and of the love that allows it it's the way to redemption of self and towards the union with the Self (the Father). It is that state of understanding of the exterior as an extension of consciousness that allows us to love ourselves for anything we've done, to forgive others for each act they made against us, and to change ourselves in the attitude towards the world allowing a change in the nature of love.
The first biblical commandment invites you to love the 'Lord God ' which is placed within every human being but to accept it is a big responsibility!
That state of perfect union with the creator and all creation is not a
mirage but it's a fact that already exists in man as a spiritual
journey that unfolds, like a seed that germinates and then blossoms and
blooms in its own time, but in the meantime you can use the
suggestions of those who have already completed that journey and know that
the love for oneself, the Lord your God, namely your I-amness, namely your
unconditioned consciousness that is in you as your life, will give you
all that you believe, hence you cannot deny love to yourselves because that is the Creator, your Self.
first biblical commandment is the admonition to love yourselves because
that is the source of your life and all other life, translated the
command becomes:
Love yourself with all your heart, all your soul and all your mind!
You have within yourselves the source of what you live, if you do not love it how can it work for you? If you deny it and you don't love it, it would do the same, therefore to the people who are now suffering and who think that in this life there is no peace nor tranquility, and that there's no sense to live, well, I tell you that that is the way to try to find the real cause of your suffering and to decide once and for all to stop it and renew your mind and to cease to consider yourselves so insignificant! Use the adverse situations to understand yourselves and to rebirth to a new concept of yourselves: one more higher.
This is a topic on which you should invest a lot of time in meditation! Self-love is a powerful force because it is a covenant with God / Creator / consciousness.
If you do not love yourselves you cannot be loved and that is an unchangeable Law: Being = Having.
In addition, if you're in a state of being in which you don't love yourselves you cannot even imagine that someone can love you because you cannot identify others with a concepts that you can't believe of yourselves. The law of consciousness will always return to you your state of being, therefore, your world is in your image and likeness, nurturing love for yourselves means to project it into your own world, yet self-love is commonly considered synonymous with selfishness that in its ordinary meaning is a term distorted in its etymology: EGO-ISM which means dealing with your ego, namely your I, it does not mean not to care about others or not to love others, or to denigrate others, that is another matter and has other words in the vocabulary. Those involved in the Self can love their neighbour!
The law of liberty tells you that as you are in your heart so the world will be because you get what you believe, very simple. It's to the concept of yourselves that you have to grab to change your external circumstances. In the Bible heart and mind are interchangeable terms, so when your thoughts and your feelings are on the frequency of love you are blessed and your life prospers in every area because the outside is always a reflection of your state of consciousness. No one will show you and give you more value ever than the one you give to yourselves! Only the love towards yourselves will allow you to elevate your concept of yourselves and then your value.
The first relationship to be cultivated is that with yourselves because there is no other cause in your world. The world is your reflection! Deny to yourselves love, attention, respect, esteem, appreciation, happiness, joy, serenity, peace, and the like, and the world on the outside will testify it with shortages of all kind, misery, failure, problems of all kinds, including of health . If you deny yourselves, the world will do the same.
who loves himself is always safe because thanks to the love he feels for
himself he doesn't need to ask it to others and can give love to others. It
ensures himself happiness every moment, he feel self-esteem and self-appreciation,
and that high values are manifested around him from every point of view,
not only in relationships.
He who loves himself is self-sufficient in every area of his life and succeeds in every area of his life because he gives attention to the Source of All (his Self), which rewards him with all sorts of blessings.
He who loves himself can consider himself of high value and because of that being able to imagine himself in higher goals, feeling worthy of reaching them.
He who hoves himself is in good health because the body is an emotional
filter and love is the most powerful medicine to give health, vitality,
energy, harmony, well-being to the body.
This is ego-ism? Yes, of course it is, and is what every man is called to operate. Without awareness of the Self Man cannot come back to himself and fulfill his inner destiny.
We must dispel a notion that makes the Bible hostile to Man: the Bible is not a book that asks Man to be good! The
Bible speaks of the I-amness of Man and shows that that I-amness can create what is good, what is bad and what is indifferent, then it
leaves Man to his free will in using his I-amness.
If you're suffering
If to you life seems a war
If your relationships are not happy
if your job does not satisfy you
if your business does not 'run' as you would like
If you cannot accomplish your goals
if you are dissatisfied
if you are not always in a good mood
if your money is scarce
if..... you name what is going bad in your life ...
Well the cause is YOU!
Well the cause is YOU!
therefore the solution is YOU!
There is no greater freedom!
There is no greater freedom!
If you don't love yourselves you cannot make the decision to change yourselves and to change your life! Start to question about the love that you nurture towards yourselves and how you treat yourselves. When you are focusing the majority of your thoughts on what is going wrong in your life and how others are not good towards you, well, you're taking away love from your Self, energy from your self, and you're pushing away from you Love and all its loving characteristics, including health, and where there is no love there is no peace and where there is no peace means that there is conflict and since the outside is equal to the inside, if all, or almost, around you is going wrong and you start to pay attention to the inside of you then you will notice the lack of love, and that you're not allowing yourselves to enjoy life because you are so taken by the outside and by what you lack that you don't even realize that you exist.
Focus on you and the love towards yourself, your life will begin to mirror it.
the Western culture Scriptures are misunderstood, while in the Eastern
cultures there has been and there is a focus on the self, theory and
practice are passed down onto new generations by masters who have
experienced the inner reality and can convey it to others. In
the Eastern world such as in India, the importance of spirituality is
not a fashion as in the West, and is not confused with the
manifestations of spirituality. It suffices to analyze the Sanskrit word swami, a name given to the master of spirituality, where the root means 'one who is one with his Self' . No one can become 'one with his Self'' until he establishes a relationship with his Self, which, like every happy
relationship must be based on love, otherwise it's a hostile
relationship. In the
Western world this basic practice is easily and commonly considered a
waste of time and useless, when it'd solve many problems in the life of the
individuals and then in the community. Self-love is an art and like all art must be cultivated with patience and discipline. You cannot entertain love for yourselves if you don't give attention to yourselves. Presence and attention are the ways by which you realize that you really exist. You
cannot mature self-confidence without having first established a solid
relationship of trust towards yourselves and such a confidence is consequent to the
love for yourselves. Love for the Self is not commonly taught in Western society, the concept that
everyone has about love is defined by what he has seen in his life, from
childhood to adulthood, by acquiring concepts and models of love from
relationships with others and of others, while the relationship with
oneself is unique and cannot be based on an acquired model and it's
the only relationship that allows peace because it makes the individual
free from the need of any condition, person and object to feel of being loved,
worthy, approved, accepted and consequently it makes him happy to be
himself, in any concept he holds of himself, and from that soil life can only
evolve in that nature. The integrity and confidence in the Self starts from a base of self-love, love is the seed that allows each development of life.
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"Any theory of love must begin with a theory of man, of human existence."
(Erich Fromm)
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