Very often we do not realize that we live in a psychological state, one of the many infinite states of being, but we are not the state. We set ourselves a form, we conditioned the eternal, unconditional and infinite consciousness within us to a certain form (psychological state) which is our concept of ourselves, but we are not that psychological state, yet it's that state that determines the events that we live and we don't realize this close relationship of dependency: from the inside out. The external can be considered as a cause by accepting it and consequently one can adapt himself to it, but also in such a case the primary cause is not the outside, but the self-acceptance of being subject to it, it is one's belief, can you see that in any case the primal cause is mental? Relationships always weaken for this reason, because it is not realized that what we see in the other is a subjective factor and not an absolute one, would it not be so then our concept of the othe...