Very often we do not realize that we live in a psychological state, one of the many infinite states of being, but we are not the state. We set ourselves a form, we conditioned the eternal, unconditional and infinite consciousness within us to a certain form (psychological state) which is our concept of ourselves, but we are not that psychological state, yet it's that state that determines the events that we live and we don't realize this close relationship of dependency: from the inside out. The external can be considered as a cause by accepting it and consequently one can adapt himself to it, but also in such a case the primary cause is not the outside, but the self-acceptance of being subject to it, it is one's belief,  can you see that in any case the primal cause is mental?

Relationships always weaken for this reason, because it is not realized that what we see in the other is a subjective factor and not an absolute one, would it not be so then our concept of the other person would be the unique available but instead other people entertain different concepts of the same person. Like in the story above, taken from my novel, the protagonist, Michele, when moved in the psychological state opposite to that of resentment, feels disoriented, it seems almost inconceivable to him to conceive the relationship with his father, who he had almost always considered an enemy, as an intimate lovely relationship; he even arrives to doubt his father's renewed loving behaviours. Yet his mother has been loving his husband since almost half a century! The two positions are different but not absolute towards a person who is always the same but observed and conceived through two different state of consciousness. This shows us that we live in a space of consciousness that we determine and it's not imposed, as you see an enemy, you can see a friend, it is the same person only framed in a different state of consciousness, but can you do it? Because the difficulty lies in this, then how to semplify this process? I'm going to explain it with a practical example.

Some time ago a friend of mine told me about her unhappy relationship with a colleague, her superior, that she believed to be the cause of his lack of progress in that job, an obstacle, but she didn't realize that by feeling that resentment the relationship with her superior was worsening day by day, and also other aspects of her business were suffering a stagnation, nothing was evolving according to her desires.
I told her that love is the only answer because we are ONE, what we entertain about  another comes back to us multiplied because all is within us; that what we live is the result of what we have imagined because the world is a copy of ourselves which always testifies what we do within. She was mad at this person and considered her the cause of his contingent misfortune, but she did not realize that she herself was defining her own misfortune by using her colleague as an instrument, as a scapegoat. She, like many do, was drawing her conclusions from the premises of the facts as indipendent therefore she thought that her colleague 'had made too much to her', she was feeling resentment. I told her that I know that it is not easy to accept of being responsible for everything that happens to us, be it good but also bad; it is difficult but it is so and the only way to come to understand this truth is through personal experience. Forgiveness is the only solution and it's an inner act. In the above example, to forgive is to change our concept of another that we think hurt or is hurting us and to appropriate the state opposite to resentment, but this cannot happen if we do not understand that we are the cause and not the effect of that hurt towards us. Not only was she herself to create the obstacle she saw in her colleague, but by her thinking she put the other in the negative state of an enemy, making her wear a dress of malice and envy, and those feelings translated into her bad behaviours towards her. She wanted to get rid of this relationship, to delete it, without taking into account that our greatest proofs are these, the ones that lead us to change ourselves and in reflection the circumstances because they show us the real concept of causality, and after that our perception changes, our complete attitude towards life changes.

Why should we fight something of which we are the cause? The dilemma is always the same: trying to break the mirror, that is the undesired event we live, without going to the real cause that generates the image in the mirror, which is within, for the world is only mirroring the imaginal activity of mankind. Until you delete the image from within yourself, that image continues to be reflected on the outside perpetuating itself, in this case the unwanted obstacle in the form of a colleague. She could eliminate that relationship through physical action such as a stratagem or a change of job, but that would have not changed her concept of the external as cause, neither her resentment, therefore she would have faced a similar event in the future. After I explained this to her, I suggested her:  first of all to change her feeling towards her colleague from resentment to love in this manner:  every time she thought of her colleague or she was in her presence she would have mentally and with all her heart said to her 'I love you'; then I told her to modify her inner speech by listening her colleague's voice praising and appreciating her, and in return she'd give thanks for her praise and appreciation.
She told me that she would have started right away, that she wanted to turn that relationship into a loving one, taking this situation as a challenge to grow and expand her awareness, therefore she set to work as I had suggested.
The very next day she had an immediate result: by replacing resentment with love she eliminated the obstacle from his path and a working answer, even if in another context, came in. In the following days the relationship with her colleague widely improved and now her colleague is just as she had imagined: loving and appreciative. They are friends!
Where is now the obstacle that she saw in that woman? And where is that unhappy relationship? Is it not all disappeared through the same mind that created it?! Hence what you see on the outside is not reality but only a reflection of your vision of reality! Leave the reflection, meaning the facts, and devote yourself to the cause which is whitin you and change it, and in consequence the reflection MUST necessarily change because there is no other way by which the outside comes to life: "I am the Way, the Truth and the Life "it is written in the oldest and more real self help book that ever existed, the Bible, which contains the instructions on how to act in order to manifest a life 'so that your joy may be full", and "the Way, the Truth and the Life" is 'I am', that is your concept of yourself, because no one can say 'I am' in your place!
You define yourselves at every moment, and that concept manifests outwardly, and concerning relationships, of any nature, when you are defining the other you are actually defining yourselves; if you consider the other as an obstacle to your happiness, or career, or success, and so on, you are just putting yourselves into the role of the victim, and that state of consciousness manifests itself on the outside, not only in that specific relationship but also in other aspects of your life!

Do you have an unhappy relationship with someone? Do what this friend of mine did by applying  my suggestions and radically change your imaginal activity, by changing yourselves you will modify the relationship for sure because the outside is a copy of what you entertain within. Instead of basing your inner speech on blame, condemnation, or resentment, as the above example shows, base it on the premises of an already changed relationship, one in which you exchange words of praise, appreciation and love with the other. Your words are the mirror of your mind and your mind is guided by your psychological state, if you live a conflict with someone, in any kind of relationship, it is clear symptom that you feel to be a victim, therefore you need a change of your state of being in order to experience an external change and your inner speech can be used for this purpose. How would you be if the relationship was already based on love? Love is not only related to couples, love is above all condition, it permeates everything, every relationship can be based on love, it is a personal choice to base it on resentment and it is also a personal choice to subvert its meaning. It takes patience to modify yourselves, at the beginning there could be perhaps some inner resistance due only to a different habitual attitude that you have well interiorized, but if you persist in imagining a different world by telling yourselves a different story, the world must adjust itself to your imaginative change because this is the Law of consciousness: an eternal and immutable law, which says that the inside generates the outside. Every relationship of any kind is restorable, you just have to set the intention to change, and when you succeed you will have blessed yourselves and also the other person because you moved her from the negative role in which you yourselves had put her in. Then, share with me your results because I know you will succeed if you do what  my friend mentioned above did.

The Bible is the book of redemption of every human being, regardless of his creed,  because the Bible is not the book of a religion, it's the biography of humanity. It is a constant invitation to 'put on the new man' and this happens through forgiveness, the Bible invites to repent and that greek word in the New Testament is metanoia and it means 'a radical change of mental attitude', it is not to bow in front of anybody, it's a spiritual act. The Bible doesn't ask man to be better but to be different! The bible is not the book that exhorts to be good for a future uncertain reward, but for the comprehension of the causation that generates life, which leads inevitably to love everybody because places the cause of the all within ourselves. We cannot love unconditionally without the comprehension of the reason that allows to forgive the unforgivable, and it's only a personal experience that provides such a comprehension.
I can testify it because I almost lost the loving and kindly relationships I had with my loved ones by wearing the psychological 'dress' of the victim, but I restored them by changing myself, re-setting my life into a song of joy in every aspect! Therefore I can firmly tell you: have confidence in yourselves and in the power within you, your consciousness always listens to and expresses your state of consciousness, the faster you take possession of your inner world and shape it in the nature of love, the faster your life changes to reflect your new inner scenario. The choice is yours!

"Keep thy heart with all diligence; For out of it are the issues of life." (Proverbs 4:23)
"Your world is silent and invisible, nevertheless it is real." (J. Murphy)


Alcuni casi di successo:

Alcuni casi di successo:

P., imprenditore, voleva guadagnare un milione di euro, questa fu una sfida da parte sua perchè non credeva assolutamente che potesse essere possibile, eppure nel giro di un anno e mezzo accadde. Dopo tale manifestazione si è ricreduto e si è posto come obiettivo sei milioni di euro.

- Incremento di Fatturato -

P. aveva debiti per qualche decina di migliaia di euro, aveva subìto pignoramenti, perso il lavoro, e non vedeva via d'uscita a quella situazione perchè i creditori lo incalzavano. In tale situazione il suo matrimonio iniziava a barcollare anche perchè iniziò a deprimersi, non trovava più voglia di vivere, nè di lavorare, ed era caduto nella disperazione. Con l'uso delle legge della coscienza nel giro di tre mesi i suoi debiti furono spazzati letteralmente, lui ritrovò entusiasmo e potè ricominciare una nuova vita come desiderava.

- Eliminazione di debiti -

V. aveva perso interesse nella vita, senza lavoro, senza casa, senza motivazione, viveva passivamente e ospite di un amico dove dormiva sul suo divano. Era considerato pressappoco un fallimento. Dopo circa un anno dall'inizio di uso delle mie tecniche i risultati sono stati: V. ha iniziato a ricevere proposte di lavoro (è un artigiano) senza cercarle, tanto da arrivare ad avere una lista di attesa e dovere ingaggiare un aiutante. Ha preso casa e di bella metratura, non una precaria sistemazione. Il denaro fluisce abbondantemente nella sua vita e gli permette di coltivare anche le sue passioni. Ha implementato le sue relazioni familiari e recuperato autostima e stima altrui.

- Trasformazione globale di vita -

T., impiegato in un lavoro dipendente, aveva il desiderio di lavorare da casa almeno due giorni a settimana, ciò senza compromettere la sua posizione lavorativa, le sue mansioni, il suo stipendio, il suo contratto di lavoro con i relativi benefici. Tramite l'uso della legge della coscienza dopo due mesi circa, l'azienda per cui lavora gli comunicò di essere stato prescelto per un progetto di lavoro da casa da effettuarsi in due giorni a settimana, giorni di sua scelta. Successivamente ha manifestato di lavorare totalmente da casa sua.

- Trasformazione del lavoro dipendente -

P., imprenditore, voleva guadagnare un milione di euro, questa fu una sfida da parte sua perchè non credeva assolutamente che potesse essere possibile, eppure nel giro di un anno e mezzo accadde. Dopo tale manifestazione si è ricreduto e si è posto come obiettivo sei milioni di euro.

- Aumento di fatturato -

E. voleva che la figlia che viveva all'estero insieme al suo compagno tornasse a vivere nella sua città e vicino a lei, provvisto un lavoro di livello per il suo compagno e la casa dei loro sogni. Le dissi come fare e mise in pratica. Dopo 3 mesi seppi che tutto quello era manifestato.

- Uso della coscienza per altre persone -

S.  dopo nemmeno 2 settimane dopo la fine del mio corso Cambia il Tuo Futuro, con l'applicazione delle giuste tecniche imparate, ha ricevuto l' aumento di stipendio che desiderava.

- Aumento di stipendio -

Una coppia voleva cambiare casa e ne aveva addocchiata una che piaceva loro ma non era in vendita, con un paio di tecniche di uso consapevole della coscienza accadde che dopo circa tre mesi ne diventarono i proprietari, di fatti la proprietà di quello specifico appartamento cambió idea e decise di venderlo, ovviamente proponendolo a tale coppia che lo poté acquistare alla cifra che avevano deciso di pagare.

- Casa -

(come vedete non dovete essere agenti immobiliari per far mettere in vendita una casa!)
Questa é la testimonianza di un caso piuttosto complesso, molto doloroso ma risolto felicemente anche grazie alla grande forza di volontà e dedizione della persona in questione che non si arrese nemmeno nei momenti più bui. Tale persona era caduta in un profondo stato depressivo, pensava continuamente al suicidio, era piombata in miseria, solitudine, deperimento fisico e psicologico, → Ha riconquistato la gioia di vivere, di amarsi, di amare la sua vita ed i suoi cari con cui ha ripristinato le relazioni. Ha ridisegnato la sua vita e conformata ai suoi desideri. Il suo incubo ormai è scomparso, trasformato in un canto di gioia, ha ripreso a vivere e forgiato la sua vita a suo piacimento.

- Trasformazione personale e di vita -

Vorresti essere il prossimo caso di successo?


→ed inizia! (L'adesso è sempre il miglior tempo)

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