Do you abandon yourselves to life in the same manner this dancer abandon herself to her partner's arms? Life is perfect, it gifts to us the content of our own consciousness. If we're sure of what we're imagining, of our convinctions and our assumptions, it can never deceive us for its way of working is to manifest its own content and we are the operators of that content. We're always in front of ourselves, as in front of a mirror, like this dancer in front of his partner abandons herself to his secure catching of which she doesn't doubt. We need to remain faithful to our assumptions to see them manifested, believing in ourselves. 'You are gods, and all of you sons of the Most High' is written, sons in the image and likeness of the divine, with the power to self-manifest themselves. You're life and life in its nature is a continuous manifestation. Note: To the lovers of dance, expression and interpretation of life, I tell that the v...