"If you don't comprehend the cause of your present you cannot handle your future and this makes the difference between living life passively or giving it a form in an intentional manner." (Iolanda Schena)
The following text is the translation of this my article in Italian → LINK
Translation of the text introducing the audio speech:
During times of uncertainty having a milestone on which to rely is important for you in order to not being taken away by the current of the external relativity, the Bible calls it ‘the rock’ or ‘the stone’ referring to the All, infinite and eternal.
In this my intervention I give you some useful concepts to help you not to waver in uncertain times and that it could spur you to come to the comprehension of your worries.
It's an almost business oriented article but the concepts that are involved in the topic that I present are useful in every area, certainly they cannot be grasped by the logic, contemplation in the silence is necessary.
Transcription of the audio speech then translated in English
This is a concept that can be useful to many and mostly in the period in which the external seems to limit them, seems not to giving them the opportunity to manage their businesses, to start again their activity after a period of forced stop, well this concept that I want to give you as a moment to reflect is: if you are not tired to delegate the power over your life to an external situation? The limitation that the person lives even if it seems to be impossible because the external circumstances are totally tangible, they seems as such but they are not because they are always the manifestation of an inner past not of a situation that you cannot know from where it comes from, then the situation of limitation can always be a moment for the person to go within and realise and reflect and contemplate, to enter her Self and to discover if in reality she’s giving away her power if in reality her life must depend on something else or on someone else or on someone’s else decisions and in a case like that of the pandemic called coronavirus on a virus which is relative, it's totally relative. In a situation in which they tell you or perhaps you too tell that there is no money the person should start to think with her own mind and ponder if it's real, if this virus has affected and killed also the money, if it has this infinite power, if it has this extraordinary power to make disappear and vanish the money, if for some businesses there are external situation that have limited them then the human being should do his best to realise how to regain what he has lost because it's in the moments of uncertainty, in the moment in which the person loses her control, that the human being has the opportunity to understand if he is really handling his life and his future or not, if he is really conscious of the cause that is generating what he is living, what he will live also because if he understands the cause of what he lives then he can handle his future but if he doesn't comprehend the cause of his present he cannot handle also his future and this makes the difference between living life passively or giving it a form in an intentional manner, this makes the difference between being subject to a power which is indirectly the external one because it is effectively the lack of control of Self, to become instead the sovereign of a power, of the power, of the only power that molds life and this is written in the Bible, the story of Job shows it clearly because Job is the one that has lost everything he has lost also his family physically and at the end regains everything and in that, which we can call a calvary in which he asks himself what to do to get back everything, he's taking out on God also, namely on himself because at the end the only thing that God can answer, because God answers only at the end of his inner tragedy, he asks him where has he been when he created the world? And this is a question that everyone should ask himself to discover if their worries are real worries or they’re worries formed by the mind because basically Job to what kind of conclusion does he come? To the fact that he realises that all his worries have been transformed in a manifestation, in physical reality and he has lived them, therefore a person which was so rich to sustain other persons has found himself with nothing and more to that without the explanation of what has occurred to him but in the evolution of the life of every human being situations of that kind can occur to allow the human being to realise his power, that he's not at the mercy of an external something of which he can be conscious of only after his death, it is preparatory work to the discovery of Self which is a re-discovery because that is his nature, it's the nature of every human being than it’s important that the person doesn’t cling to the external things because the external things vanish then they can be recreated but they haven’t the life of the human being’s life which is eternal. If you attach your certainty to a government, if you attach your certainty to the market, to the persons that purchase, to the persons that suggest you how to handle your business, and this does not mean that you don't have to have faith in people, but if you give away your power to external situations then you cannot have control over your life and then you cannot complain when something doesn't work because you don't have the cognition of how it has occurred, of how it has been created, from how it has come to light therefore if you don't want to grasp or don’t want to accept the responsibility, because it’s a matter of personal responsibility, of having the power to manage, to dominate your life then your life will go as it goes and it will follow the wind of circumstances and it will follow the situations dictated by others because the external world is always the reflection of mental activities, of consciousness’ activities and of the inwardness of the human being and this cannot be absolutely stopped, this is something against which fighting always creates suffering, always creates pain, always creates impotence because it is going against a Law which is infinite, unchangeable and eternal. There aren't many laws in this world there is only one and that rules all the others, when the human being grasps it then he reigns! on what? On himself therefore over the external word, this does not mean to go against the external world and in fact the Bible says to give Caesar what is Ceasar’s and to pay taxes and then to use the money and to enter the markets and to manage businesses that are physical ones but always created by the spirit that is by the human idea, by the human mind therefore the external will always be but the reflection of the inner activity of the human being, understanding it is the absolute liberty because it’s going the the first cause, the cause of everything and everyone.
In conclusion the money is an invention of the human mind and it cannot lack if the human being doesn't decide it, don't be deceived by the circumstances, circumstances seem horrible only to the degree that you consider them and as William Blake wrote: 'everything seems to be to those to whom it seems to be, even torment and despair' therefore to live in a state of despair cannot but grow that situation, optimism is important in situations that seem adverse although it is not sufficient, you must control your mind in such a way that you don't depend on that of others, above all in those situations in which it doesn't align with your objectives, if you have defined them because this is another point and it is also very important: basically the human being which is unconscious of his own power, therefore of the fact that he is always living in every moment of his life circumstances that have been created by himself, commonly he decides his objectives in relation to the circumstances, I say ‘commonly’ because that is not the rule there are also persons that are awake to their power and then they determine their objectives without considering the circumstances, but basically he who is not conscious of this fact because it is a fact that the human being creates the circumstances that he lives, then his plans for his future, his objectives are conformed to circumstances and you can quickly verify this statement not only in your own life but also in the lives of others, you hear them telling of external change, of the change of life, of the change of the modalities of life, of change of every kind but because of what? because of the conformation to the circumstances, then the real difference of knowing and using one’s own power lies just in this, in the fact of becoming creator of circumstances in an intentional manner not subject to not victim of circumstances which are only reflection of the human inwardness and also relative, and simply because of the fact that they are reflection of the human inwardness they cannot be absolute.
(End of the transcription of the audio speech)
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"Then the LORD answered Job out of the whirlwind, and said,"
(Job 38:1 (KJV))
"Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the earth? declare, if thou hast understanding."
(Job 38:4 (KJV))
The Biblical quote is useful if contemplated under its right light: that's by asking yourselves if you have that understanding needed to give the answer.
About the pandemic called ‘coronavirus’ from a point of view of consciousness I talk about in a video lesson that you can find at my website, at the moment it's in Italian.
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