"Opportunities appear to the eyes that want to see them" (Iolanda Schena)
English translation of this my audio → article.
(Written introduction)
I deepen an affirmation made in a → previous article.
(Audio transcript translated in English)
appear to the eyes that want to see them because your eyes see on the
outside what you want to see, not what's on the outside because the
outside is a reflection. Quantum physics, which is not an exact
science but the science of probabilities, tells you that what's on
the outside of you, that’s what you observe, namely the observed
object or observed subject, doesn't exist save in the mind of
he who is observing, the observer, he who is making the
experiment, therefore what you see on the outside is your
interpretation of what, for you, is on the outside, this is why
opportunities appear to the eyes that want to see them, and how does
the Bible relate to this concept? Well, the Bible is the book that
explains it, it’s absolutely the first book that explains
this concept, the Bible tells of a truth which is scientific,
that's provable, for me scientific means provable in first person,
the human being’s experience can testify the use of what is taught
in the Bible and if you go and read the parable of the woman that
was condemned for adultery you find symbolically the figure of the
Christ that enters himself and modifies what he was seeing on the
outside, that’s instead of seeing a woman and some accusers he
doesn't see accusers any longer so much so that if you read his
answer, he asks the woman what does she see? If she still sees
accusers and she doesn't see them no longer therefore the
opportunities that he sees on the outside after meeting an event like
that of an accusation are modified, but by whom? By a being
that came down from the skies and miraculously modified them? No,
Jesus Christ is the symbol of the human being who is aware that
he creates his external reality therefore the Bible must be
interpreted from a psychological point of view not as a story which
really occurred to a single human being more than two thousands years
ago and just solely the fact that this book is more than two
thousands years old means how much time before quantum physics the
Bible describes that the observer is he who influences the experiment
that he influences the external reality because the figure of the
Christ always influences the external reality and he does it with
what has been translated as miracle but it’s not absolutely a
miracle, it's the way by which consciousness works that's you see on
the outside what you intend to see, therefore regarding the words of
my article what are you seeing on the outside? The circumstances,
what are they testifying you every moment? It's your activity because
wherever you are you are the observer therefore as
observer you are creating what you are observing, if you
succeed in changing within you what you see on the outside the
outside conforms to it and this is a challenge because the outside is
so real that you cannot deny that it exists for it is physical,
it's material, but this is a challenge for the spiritual man, you
see spirituality is in no way a simple topic because it's the proof
for the human being to disentangle himself from physicality, from
materiality to enter within himself going in search of those that are
the causes of what he's seeing on the outside to realise them and
then being able to change them within himself. And here I can recall
another parable: the one in which the Christ taught the fishermen who
didn’t catch fish in that session of fishing, the master teaches to
go into deep waters, but where are those deep waters? Well,
within yourselves! Then the demonstration that you can already give
yourselves is just that: to disentangle yourselves from what you see
on the outside, enter yourselves and change it if you don't like it,
then remain in observation of how the external conforms if you remain
faithful to your new vision.
(end of the audio)
** * **
Jesus had lifted up himself, and saw none but the woman, he said unto
her,Woman, where are those thine accusers? hath no man condemned
thee? She said, No man, Lord.” (John 8:10-11 KJV)
About Conscious BUSINESS:
Conscious BUSINESS is my specific course for business owners or future business owners, in which I teach how to use consciousness to create and/or grow a business no matter the market field neither other conditions.
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