"Your ideal is at the base of what you think and plan." (Iolanda Schena)
circumstances of all kinds, the answers are always a matter of
appear to the eyes that want to see them.
Those are concepts that adapt to the
general attitude towards life and that gives the spur for
personal reflection based on the fact that the outside always
testifies to the human being his inner state therefore everyone,
without exception because that is the functioning of the human soul,
creates his external reality unconsciously or consciously.
Bringing that contemplation into the
business area, in order to give yourselves the
opportunity to understand more about how you behave towards the
outside for the attitude is a symptom of your inner state, which
(above all) creates your circumstances, I give some possibilities of
reflection to those who work on their own in that area (but it fits
well even beyond because everyone in life offers himself) and I
offer you an analysis that you can carry out secretly, each one with
him/herself, but which will give extreme fruit if put into
In a situation of limitation of your
activity by external circumstances, of any kind:
➤ you review and alter your
objectives, thinking about external 'helps', perhaps those of the
government and maybe adding that perhaps they won’t be sufficient
to reward you for that period of inactivity?
➤ you proudly place yourselves in
the group of daring people who project themselves into the future
while remaining faithful to your goals, determining an increase in
satisfaction and success for your business/profession, rewarding
yourselves for the period of inactivity because you take advantage of
it (better to say: invest in it) in the direction of your goals?
The answer depends on the ideal that
you embody, your ideal is at the base of what you think and plan.
Everything takes on the meaning that
the human being gives it:
external limitations can be an alibi for failure or an incentive to proceed even more
motivated towards the achievement of the goals that you set for
yourselves, and even to create new ones, perhaps even more exciting.
It all depends on the perspectives you
see in front of you and your vision depends on the ideal that
moves you at the bottom, that makes the attitude you have towards
life and your future and will make the difference in the results you
will get because the external world is reflection and not
The two perspectives that I pointed out
in the incipit are defined by two states of consciousness
which can be summarised as follows:
There are those who depend on the
outside, government included, and there are those who rise above all
other causes and make themselves the cause of their life. Each
psychological state is correct and right (to consciousness) but being
aware of it is important to be truly and absolutely free
to choose. Sometimes the habit of being in a specific state
of consciousness is immediately undetectable because it is so rooted
in the being that the person doesn't even realize of being basically
in need of justifications for their dependency on the external, and
the solution is some external situation that shows it clearly
and plane to them, that is, in a striking way.
Being a winner or a loser is a matter
of choice and not of circumstances, and I emphasize the concept by
using the term 'loser', but if you follow my blog you know that I
speak of 'failures' as mere manifestations of the inner
(psychological) state and of 'revision' as the procedure of reversing
'failures' into successes, whereby the 'loser' is, under that light,
simply a person unaware of being the author of his/her missed
objective because they’re unaware of their inner power. Everyone
chooses because of habit.
can be many and varied for each situation but the one that the person
determines the outcome.
The possibility of choice (which
is an inner movement) is the absolute freedom of Man, it
cannot be limited or eliminated except by the same Man who makes the
choice, think of what an immense gift it is! And the Bible teaches
about being courageous in making choices, to not conform to
the world, to be in it but not of it. In fact,
those who belong to the world undergo it, but those who are in
the world but not of it create it by following their vision,
courageously if the outside even denies it, and however impossible it
may seem to reason and circumstances, the brave remain faithful to
it, you can observe that in the past the brave have been those who
have proved their loyalty to themselves by realising their vision
(not just in business), and what they have shown is that they have
been the conductors of their life as they pleased.
A period like the one called
'coronavirus' doesn’t prevent you from thinking and planning
a prosperous future in spite of the circumstances, to take advantage
of it not only in terms of monetary gain but of inner lessons of
growth and understanding of the inner power which is ultimately what
is above All, unless... you don’t make of an event called
'coronavirus' the alibi for failure, perhaps the one that
follows a series of previous other alibis called in another way, or
perhaps the first, and I, for your benefit, wish you that it’s the
Hence my suggestion is: take the
concept as a spur for the contemplation of your Self,
objectively and objectively with courage, reveal the truth to
yourselves in that sense, it could also be uncomfortable, that is, be
the one dictated by fear, lack of trust in yourselves and in your
future, in your abilities or capabilities, and if so? Well, you are
lucky to realise it! That awareness is a confession to yourselves
which consequently allows you to self-correct in order to project
into your future the results you desire! Since the human being always
pays one only price: that of the inner state he wears, of the ideal
he embodies, the choice is always his because of that. Therefore:
choose whom to be! That's your power and that's your future!
the weak say, I am strong."
(Joel 3:10)
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