I answer to the comment under this my ► article to give help to those who have the same doubt as the person who wrote it.
The translation of that comment from Italian to English is this ► 'Thank you dear Yoyo! (yoyo is my nick name) I have a question: when one is constrained to deal daily with a 'heavy' person, those energy vampires just to explain, those who suck all your energy, how can one intervene? Does it mean that I don't have enough love for myself? Thanks, a hug'
Those who coin certain concepts and then spread them should do a charitable
work of reflection on what is the real cause of the world in order to verify whether the Self is involved. But first of all they should understand what the Self is and how it operates. Only
after giving definite answers to the questions above, they could
fully respond to this: from which psychological point of view they
themselves are carrying out their observation? They would clarify to themselves that they are not doing good to themselves nor to others.
The concepts of separation between Men are concepts of those who have not achieved clarity about what reality is, that's on consciousness,
and this is a practical consideration because 'to awaken' means to become
fully responsible for the Self!
You can become totally responsible for yourselves only when you grasp the
concept of unity with others and, therefore, you understand without the slightest doubt that what you think of others is only in yourselves and therefore not in the others. With
such concepts clearly in mind, which can become clear only after a personal
experience, cease certain statements about others as CAUSE of your world
and in consequence of your unhappiness, lack of energy, failure, illness
and so on ...
To lower others to the image of 'energy vampire' or 'heavy person' or any other NOT loving
concept is to lower yourself and your entire world to that level because there is no
other law but consciousness, which is called God in scriptures,
whose name is 'I am' and no one can say 'I am' for you. A law that is LOVE; a law
that tells us that we are ONE, and in this union happens that what you
do to another, just by thinking about it, you do it to yourselves because
you cannot do to another something that is not already in you, because if you'd not have it, you wouldn't think it!
I suggest you for your own good
to not to accept concepts that go against the foundation of Unity of Men
because it brings pain and suffering for separation brings conflict and not peace; only love of the Self, which is the whole humanity and all of creation, brings peace.
Remember that you mold your life through your mind, then, to think evil is to manifest evil in your world, and that is an immutable law: it gives you what you entertain within you and you cannot escape it.
There is a biblical commandment, also called the Golden Rule, which says, do to others as you would have them do to you, that commandment is based precisely on the unity of humanity, concept
and admonition to meditate upon for a long time and then watch its use in your lives and you will notice its infrequent use.
Then the exhortation is this: in every situation ask yourselves if what
you think of another is what you would like to be thought of yourselves. In
the example of the mentioned comment, you would immediately realize that you wouldn't like to be considered an
inferior being to be excluded or put aside, perhaps with the label of
'energy vampires' or 'heavy people'.
In practice
If you can change your attitude towards another person by replacing condemnation with love you will see that the other person will change towards
you, and this will occur because you have changed yourselves and not
the other person, because you are the other person, there is no separation between you and another.
So take a practical exercise and put this law to the test: take the notorious 'energy vampire' or 'heavy person', or any other person that you consider
hostile or you blame or condemn for any reason
and in your mind embrace that person and tell her that you love her;
certainly you will not
succeed on the first try, but if you persist in that meditation, you will
see happening a huge change in you and you will feel love for that
person, and that feeling of love will invade yourselves and you will feel sorry of having thought badly about that other person because you will notice
that that blame, or condemnation, or resentment that you saw in the other was only within you.If you are not able to change your being, you cannot notice a change in your world, so it is useless to consider others responsible for this and that exercise helps you to find out and confirm that there are no 'energy vampires' nor 'heavy people' that can do harm to you because the enemies you see on the outside are in you: they're born there and only there they can cease to exist.
To love is not as simple as people commonly think! To love is not to receive love or to ask for love, but to give it! And only the person who becomes love can donate it unconditionally and see
a brother in every human being and this happens if he sees himself in
every human being. The
purpose of this life is to get to love your neighbour as yourselves without
distinction, there is no 'awakening' from this deep sleep which is
called 'the world', without having reached that goal.
As you can see from the above passage, the Bible is a psychological book! This
book tells Man to observe himself and realize that there is a law
that governs him, and that through him it rules his world and this law says
that he gets what he is aware of, simple! Too simple for Men, who know how to complicate everything.
We are here to change ourselves and not the other human beings. The world is a reflection and not a cause, it logically follows that fighting a reflection does not change its cause. At the light of all this, the suggestion is: do not see evil in others,
think about yourselves by working to change yourselves into a loving being
and by doing so you will raise yourselves to a level where there is only love, therefore your life will rise naturally to that level because this is the biblical law and it cannot fail.
'For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged:
and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.
and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.
And why beholdest thou the mote that is
in thy brother's eye,
but considerest not the beam that is in thine own
'In your own bosom you bear your Heaven
and Earth, and all you behold: tho' it appears without it is within
in your Imagination, of which this World of Mortality is but a shadow.
(W. Blake)
(W. Blake)
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