In my previous article I write "The story shows that the unresolved grief is a source of suffering only until the person transforms it and forgives. Forgiveness comes from a different interpretation of reality, and it can only happen after a change of mental attitude" and this is the practical application of the biblical 'repentance' which I call revision.

Always keep in mind that the Bible is not a historical book, it is a spiritual book, and then it talks of man's spirit and not of the history of some people who lived centuries ago. It is a very practical self-help book because it explains the power of human consciousness as the only reality, it cannot be read with the reasonal mind, with the reasonal mind what is in the Bible seems illogical, sometimes even unjust and cruel but it is not so and this disbelief often creates suffering in the lives of those who interpret it or to which it has been explained in its literal sense and not in its psychological one which is its own purpose. It is an inner journey that leads to the discovery of all the states of being that Man experiences, it's his spiritual biography, therefore when it speaks of 'repentance' it intends a state of mind, the Greek word used is 'metanoia' which means 'a radical change of mental attitude'.
The Bible explains through parable and allegory the power of man's inner state as the only cause of his world and urges him to a renewal of his concept of Self, infact the biblical repentance has nothing to do with the common concept of remorse, and the proof is simple: if you went in front of someone to ask for forgiveness with an inner state of remorse, you wouldn't get it because your external world always witnesses who you are so my suggestion is not to humiliate you in front of anyone, never! You don't need it, and it is not an invitation to disregard anyone rather it's the explanation of an unchangeable law which tells you that it is your state of consciousness to cause what you live and dictates to those you meet their behaviours toward you.

You cannot forgive no one if you don't understand that they acts by compulsion in response to your emotional state and not by their own intention, nothing can happen in your life if you had not imagined it at first and your consciousness manifests it by using events, persons and things on the outside, which is your extension, therefore when you describe your world, your life, you're describing yourselves because there's not separation between the inside and the outside of man and the primary cause lies in the inside. It's not simple to accept such a reality, both because it's a great responsibility and because the common habit is to find scapegoats on the outside from the premises of facts, but the law of consciousness is unchangeable and tells man 'as you sow, that shall you reap', it is a PERFECT and UNFAILING law, and it's DISRESPECTFUL too because it doesn't judge and it doesn't have intention of its own.

Consciousness is infinite intelligence which executes the human will through the states of consciousness that Man embodies, trying to fight it leads to suffer because to fight against something or someone is to imagine an enemy and therefore it's to project some enemies on the outside, it's not a case that we're told 'Agree with thine adversary quickly'.
To grasp this truth means to grasp the instrument to bring peace to you and your life because every state of being is not definitive, you're not tied in an indissoluble way to the concept you entertain of yourselves and your life, you can change it and then observe corresponding changes in the circumstances you live, so to give a different course to your destiny.

This is why the bible is the book of man's redemption, for when man discovers that his consciousness is the only Creator, he finds the power of absolute freedom  and frees himself from every limit and redeems himself from his mistakes because he understands that they are self-inflicted, and through a radical change of his mind he will see disappear every accuser. "I am the way, the Truth and the life" summarizes that there is only one way through which Creation (life) occurs and it's man's I am-ness, his consciousness, what he's aware of being. No one can say 'I am' in your place, your consciousness is the door through which everything enters in your world and through which everything can disappear from it, be it good, bad or indifferent, but it's under your domain, consciously or unconsciously. Hence PEACE STARTS WITHIN YOU.

By the promise of redemption the bible doesn't invite to commit mistakes or to act thoughtlessly, it's just the contrary: it warns man about his responsibility towards himself and the world because the law of consciousness is unchangeable: 'what man sows, that shall he reap', referring to the 'spiritual sowing' through his state of being.

In consequence, reconnecting to my previous article it's easy to conclude that by persevering in the acceptance of an undesired past, that is to entertain it in your awareness as a definitive and unchangeable fact, you project it again and again in your future. If you want to live different circumstances, maybe that spiral of unpleasant events occurring in your life as a wheel, recognize that they are dictated by your acceptance of them, I'm talking about events such as i.e. debts, illness, accidents, failures of any kind, loss of job, of clients, of relationships and so on, therefore you must change your awareness of them by re-living them in your imagination in the way you'd have like to live them.
Your awareness molds your world and it's been so until now, and it will be so forever, what you're living and will live is not due to a destiny written by who knows who, rather it's the result of your imaginal activity of which you're easily unaware if you don't take time to observe yourselves and find the link between what you're observing in your life and what you've thought in the past. Trying to change the external without an inner change brings only to defeat because it's struggling against the real causes that generated and are continuing to generate the external world, this is the reason why conflicts arise! Just because Man doesn't know that the enemy that he faces on the outside is the reflection of the one that he's fighting on the inside, and the enemy could be everyone and every thing, not just a person, they could be debts, illness, relationships, job, studies, business problems and more that is unpleasant to you, including your characterial weaknesses that you dislike.

But how can you put in practice this psychological teaching?

The solution lies in replacing your awareness of what has been with what you 'd have liked to experience in its place because you cannot erase something from your consciousness, you can only replace it. Therefore the undesired events cease to exist in your life when you push them outside of your consciousness through a change of awareness, that is a RADICAL INNER CHANGE of ATTITUDE towards them. Imagination is the instrument by which you can accomplish that intention because imagination is the only reality and by it you are already shaping your world but it's easy that you don't recognize it.
As soon as you contemplate a new inner state, the one that would have been yours or that would be yours in the facts that you want to modify, you reach a change of attitude towards them and in consequence also towards the persons involved in those facts. Without an inner change you cannot see a change of circumstances.

We need to get comprehension and then benefits will follow, 'Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding.' (Proverbs 4:7)

There cannot be comprehension without knowledge and knowledge comes from experience, therefore instead of fighting the external, by condemning and blaming, use consciously yourselves by incarnating a psichological state opposite to those that created resentment and rage, condemnation and blame, and through the contemplation of your new inner attitude towards your 'enemy' you will see it disappear, because to contemplate a state of being is to possess it and that, alone, has in itself the complete plan of development to bring in your world fruits of its nature, infact you're already reaping the fruits of the state you're abiding.
There's not a great work to do, a state of being must be incarnated with naturalness and cannot be forced, every effort within yourselves will always give you a result opposite to the one you want to obtain. Imagine yourselves in the result you desire, in the facts you would have liked to live, or you want to live now, and in identifying yourselves with that new state of being you will give it right to blossom and flower in your world because you ARE your world. You need to abandon yourselves to the feeling of and ideal to embody it and this happens through intention and love for that ideal, only love towards a result can allow the patience to wait for its manifestation. Be persistent and you will se that by returning to that feeling times and times again,  through reiteration, in a time lapse that is subjective, you will identify with it, then the course of your destiny will change because it is in you and not written elsewhere.


Forgiveness is a great instrument for inner change and brings blessings to you and others, in a future article I will explain how to use it to help others.


"You are the world" (Jiddu Khrishnamurti)


Alcuni casi di successo:

Alcuni casi di successo:

P., imprenditore, voleva guadagnare un milione di euro, questa fu una sfida da parte sua perchè non credeva assolutamente che potesse essere possibile, eppure nel giro di un anno e mezzo accadde. Dopo tale manifestazione si è ricreduto e si è posto come obiettivo sei milioni di euro.

- Incremento di Fatturato -

P. aveva debiti per qualche decina di migliaia di euro, aveva subìto pignoramenti, perso il lavoro, e non vedeva via d'uscita a quella situazione perchè i creditori lo incalzavano. In tale situazione il suo matrimonio iniziava a barcollare anche perchè iniziò a deprimersi, non trovava più voglia di vivere, nè di lavorare, ed era caduto nella disperazione. Con l'uso delle legge della coscienza nel giro di tre mesi i suoi debiti furono spazzati letteralmente, lui ritrovò entusiasmo e potè ricominciare una nuova vita come desiderava.

- Eliminazione di debiti -

V. aveva perso interesse nella vita, senza lavoro, senza casa, senza motivazione, viveva passivamente e ospite di un amico dove dormiva sul suo divano. Era considerato pressappoco un fallimento. Dopo circa un anno dall'inizio di uso delle mie tecniche i risultati sono stati: V. ha iniziato a ricevere proposte di lavoro (è un artigiano) senza cercarle, tanto da arrivare ad avere una lista di attesa e dovere ingaggiare un aiutante. Ha preso casa e di bella metratura, non una precaria sistemazione. Il denaro fluisce abbondantemente nella sua vita e gli permette di coltivare anche le sue passioni. Ha implementato le sue relazioni familiari e recuperato autostima e stima altrui.

- Trasformazione globale di vita -

T., impiegato in un lavoro dipendente, aveva il desiderio di lavorare da casa almeno due giorni a settimana, ciò senza compromettere la sua posizione lavorativa, le sue mansioni, il suo stipendio, il suo contratto di lavoro con i relativi benefici. Tramite l'uso della legge della coscienza dopo due mesi circa, l'azienda per cui lavora gli comunicò di essere stato prescelto per un progetto di lavoro da casa da effettuarsi in due giorni a settimana, giorni di sua scelta. Successivamente ha manifestato di lavorare totalmente da casa sua.

- Trasformazione del lavoro dipendente -

P., imprenditore, voleva guadagnare un milione di euro, questa fu una sfida da parte sua perchè non credeva assolutamente che potesse essere possibile, eppure nel giro di un anno e mezzo accadde. Dopo tale manifestazione si è ricreduto e si è posto come obiettivo sei milioni di euro.

- Aumento di fatturato -

E. voleva che la figlia che viveva all'estero insieme al suo compagno tornasse a vivere nella sua città e vicino a lei, provvisto un lavoro di livello per il suo compagno e la casa dei loro sogni. Le dissi come fare e mise in pratica. Dopo 3 mesi seppi che tutto quello era manifestato.

- Uso della coscienza per altre persone -

S.  dopo nemmeno 2 settimane dopo la fine del mio corso Cambia il Tuo Futuro, con l'applicazione delle giuste tecniche imparate, ha ricevuto l' aumento di stipendio che desiderava.

- Aumento di stipendio -

Una coppia voleva cambiare casa e ne aveva addocchiata una che piaceva loro ma non era in vendita, con un paio di tecniche di uso consapevole della coscienza accadde che dopo circa tre mesi ne diventarono i proprietari, di fatti la proprietà di quello specifico appartamento cambió idea e decise di venderlo, ovviamente proponendolo a tale coppia che lo poté acquistare alla cifra che avevano deciso di pagare.

- Casa -

(come vedete non dovete essere agenti immobiliari per far mettere in vendita una casa!)
Questa é la testimonianza di un caso piuttosto complesso, molto doloroso ma risolto felicemente anche grazie alla grande forza di volontà e dedizione della persona in questione che non si arrese nemmeno nei momenti più bui. Tale persona era caduta in un profondo stato depressivo, pensava continuamente al suicidio, era piombata in miseria, solitudine, deperimento fisico e psicologico, → Ha riconquistato la gioia di vivere, di amarsi, di amare la sua vita ed i suoi cari con cui ha ripristinato le relazioni. Ha ridisegnato la sua vita e conformata ai suoi desideri. Il suo incubo ormai è scomparso, trasformato in un canto di gioia, ha ripreso a vivere e forgiato la sua vita a suo piacimento.

- Trasformazione personale e di vita -

Vorresti essere il prossimo caso di successo?


→ed inizia! (L'adesso è sempre il miglior tempo)

Articoli nelle seguenti aree:
