Man's imaginal activity is the source of the facts he lives, then fighting against the facts is to fight against the real nature of things, against the way through which they are brought to life; only a change of his imaginal activity will allow man to modify the external world. The solution is always 'being' because the external is the extension of man's consciousness and it testifies what he does within himself and this is a certainty provable only through experience, and it's a proof that brings him to real liberty for it releases him from every external dependency. The external seems indipendent but it's not so and this is not philosophy, neither a line of thinking but an absolute reality to which many names have been given by those who experienced it, the most famous one is the 'law of liberty' that we find in the sacred scriptures where it's narrated through parables and allegory. The
comprehension of self leads to such experience and it's the only man's predetermined destiny, predetermined by himself because there is only Man, all the rest is his projection.
A destiny which is an inner journey that everyone is, unconsciously or consciously, travelling towards the re-discovery of the self by passing through different states of consciousness. At the end of the journey he will realize the certainty of being the only source of his world and in this manner he will have come back to it. A return which is identification with the source and therefore cannot happen on the outside of man because Man is imagination, an intangible activity that happens unceasingly within everyone and whose tangibility is proven on the outside by the nature of the circumstances one lives. Man is the creator, through his imaginal activity, of every visible thing hence the external world as reality exists only within him, the imaginative reality is always the cause, there's no other cause, you cannot find another one, and the external is a delusion of such reality. Therefore don't seek on the outside what you can only find within yourselves, the kingdom in which you live your reality is there and in it you're already creating your physical paradise or hell, be aware of it! In consequence, if you don't like the nature of the circumstances you're living then bear in mind that only a change of what you imagine will allow, in due time, their change because in it lies their real cause.
comprehension of self leads to such experience and it's the only man's predetermined destiny, predetermined by himself because there is only Man, all the rest is his projection.
A destiny which is an inner journey that everyone is, unconsciously or consciously, travelling towards the re-discovery of the self by passing through different states of consciousness. At the end of the journey he will realize the certainty of being the only source of his world and in this manner he will have come back to it. A return which is identification with the source and therefore cannot happen on the outside of man because Man is imagination, an intangible activity that happens unceasingly within everyone and whose tangibility is proven on the outside by the nature of the circumstances one lives. Man is the creator, through his imaginal activity, of every visible thing hence the external world as reality exists only within him, the imaginative reality is always the cause, there's no other cause, you cannot find another one, and the external is a delusion of such reality. Therefore don't seek on the outside what you can only find within yourselves, the kingdom in which you live your reality is there and in it you're already creating your physical paradise or hell, be aware of it! In consequence, if you don't like the nature of the circumstances you're living then bear in mind that only a change of what you imagine will allow, in due time, their change because in it lies their real cause.
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