Everything a Man believes is his law and that law rules his world, always prophecying all that will happen to him, but he doesn't easily recognize it. We always need to ask ourselves what our laws are, meaning ours beliefs, because what we believe, that we’ll receive, putting in practice the famous biblical rule 'believe you receive and you shall receive', and we have the confirmation soon after in statements such as 'I've told it', so if it passed like 'you've told it', it means it's occurred a prophesy established by yourselves. But Man doesn't believe he's a prophet, he doesn't believe that in each moment he's shaping his future experiences, and those one of others, it's more simple not to believe it, because by accepting it he takes upon himself a great responsibility, he
could no more blame others for the fault of what happens to him, not even an external god created to give him comfort, which is but an illusion of comfort. Meditate on that and you’ll find that that same responsibility becomes the key to absolute freedom, because to whom can you turn when you know that your entire life is in your own hands?
Every man is a prophet, it’s his nature, he doesn’t need to acquire it but to realize it. The power is within him, ready to be used in a conscious way. Only self-observation allows to realize our own weigh in our lives, but self-observation is not a common habit, it’s more frequent the habit of observing what others do and not what we’re doing within ourselves, but life doesn’t happen by chance, it springs from all that we are and if we don’t observe it, we cannot understand the causes of what happens to us. Man is more and more distracted by what happens on the outside and contemporary taken away from the inside which is the real source of his own life. Hypnotized by the events in news, in social networks, in the daily life, man let himself be involved in those external facts and by emphatizing with what he observes, without noticing he ‘wears’ the nature of those facts, then he believes them and attracts them, then he questions ‘why does this happen to me?’. We need to become ‘wise as serpent’ by being concerned with ourselves, and ‘harmless as doves’ by using imaginative love, because what happens within us is the source of what will occur around us in the future.
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