When I published on my Google+ profile this phrase taken from my book ‘A practical guide for the realization of every objectives’: “Do not discard anyone, never, every human being is 'greatness', no one excluded, behind the mask that the person wears there is always the same life. What we see in another, what we judge of another, it lies only in ourselves, otherwise we could not see it outside of us. We are here not to change others, but to change ourselves.”, I received a comment that is this: “Is there greatness in those killing the non alouite people in Syria? Is their greatness in child molesters and child killers? There has to be light to have dark. I don't feel so bad when judging certain people mainly killers rapists animal abusers and the like”.

In my book and in my seminars the meaning of my remark is clear because it is put into a context that explains that statement through the meaning of the law of consciousness, the law that makes man free. Since I want to help others to learn this law and expand their perception of this world, which seems to be so real but it is not, I decided to respond to that comment by using an article in my blog, so to help to understand and recognize the greatness in each man and then to love every being without exception.

I know that that comment is the common reaction that arises when we see or hear those facts in the world, or other horrible and ugly facts in the world, but let's understand why we should change our hearts to change those facts and no longer condemn them. First of all we should ask ourselves if we really know: what man is, and what reality is, because if we don't have these concepts clear in mind, we will look at the outside and condemn and judge, and by doing so we will not be applying the right way to bring peace and eradicate evil. The question is, then, are we sure that by condemning a brutal act we will change it or we will avoid its repetition? Each answer will be worth if tried on our own, then we will know from experience what life is and what man is, and also that every man, without exception, can be redeemed, how? Let's go step by step and comprehend it.

Every human being expresses his psychological state but the psychological state is not the being, we cannot accept the psychological state in which a man abides but we cannot condemn the being that is at the source, which exists before the psychological state, and is manifesting that psychological state and such original being is consciousness and it's universal. It is the same life that manifests itself in every other man, it doesn't differ, it only wears different states of being. Consciousness is universal, eternal and indivisible and the latter characteristic binds, unites and holds together all humanity, which influences each other. Since we are all immersed in the same consciousness, in which we think and have our being, everything we entertain in ourselves affects the whole. Since the All must manifest on the outside, for that is its job and we have proof through observation, we deduct that by entertaining condemnation, it will be forced to manifest On the outside events to be condemned, witnessing that activity of comdemnation. The rule is very simple 'what you sow, that you shall reap', this is not a religious issue but a scientific one, that is provable. That said, as the first deduction, we move on to another more important, the one that allows us to redeem all men.

Starting from the two above conditions: that man wears a psychological state, or state of consciousness, but that he is not the state of consciousness, for he wears it temporarily; and that we have our being in the same universal consciousness, it comes that we contain all humanity, hence also the one that in case we are condemning, meaning that he's not unrelated to the perception of everyone. For logical consequence it will follow that the observer makes use, through himself, of the consciousness in which we are all and therefore he molds on the inside what he then sees on the outside and so he, through his judgment, defines what he sees and this is projected on the outside in visible and physical facts. When we understand this we can consciously move another being from a psychological state to another. This power to influence others is in man because of his nature which is consciousness and man cannot escape it, so much so that this influence is already at work in his life but generally he is unaware of it, however, he can realize and understand it and put it into practice consciously so to bring benefit to himself and to others, but how? By testing it on his own in a conscious way, shifting a fellow being from an unhappy psychological state to a more noble one and then see the results, but this cannot happen without first changing himself towards the other because the object of observation is within the observer, otherwise he could not see it, and in the present case it may be one of those persons mentioned in the comment opening this article. Change cannot be operated on the other in physical terms because it would mean to struggle against the real nature of things, hence physical changes will never allow a change of the external, perhaps a patch but not a change, and every man can understand it by analyzing his experience of life and find that his imaginal activity is the cause and that the exterior always testifies the human consciousness. The external world is effect and not cause, this is nature. Fighting against something has always brought and will always bring as result the persistency of what it's fought, and that explains those situations that you may live and that you, with so much effort, cannot help to change, and the reason is that you are fighting them so that they remain in your consciousness and are projecting on the outside; if you want to succeed in changing the facts on the outside you have to act within through a change of yourselves towards the facts. That can be demonstrated on your own: through your own personal change towards another you will note a corresponding change in his attitude towards you because humanity is rooted in you.

We should always ask ourselves in our own individuality: what am I entertaining in my consciousness? Because that is our individual responsibility and has nothing to do with the facts that we are observing. The answer on the nature of the content of our consciousness gives us the nature of the facts that we see on the outside because between the facts and consciousness exists always a relationship of dependency, and if we persist in that nature, facts made ​​of that nature will be seen in the future in the world because the facts always follow the movements of consciousness, they never precede. Are we entertaining love or hate? Peace or fight? Judgment? Condemnation? The answers are the nature of the facts that we are sowing and that nature will be the future harvest, the admonition is 'as you sow, so you shall reap' and the sowing is within man, a seed planted in the soil originates a plant that is already in the farmer at the time of the sowing. It follows that when we judge, or condemn, or hate, we are not deleting what we judge, or condemn or hate, but we're giving it further life. If that simple rule is grasped, can love and peace come from hatred, judgment and condemnation? No! They cannot! It would be as to go against the true nature of everything. We reap on the outside what we sow on the inside: we cannot sow hatred and collect love, like we cannot sow potatoes and collect carrots, that's not the way life works! Then we have to understand what to do if we really want to do something useful, and about life we have been taught to look out and fight what we see if we are not in agreement, but the facts on the outside are not independent of ourselves, they are extension of ourselves, they are a reflection of the activity within ourselves, and fighting a reflection is like breaking the mirror to change the image reflected in it, it will cause the mirror to fragment into many pieces and with that to multiply the reflected image that we want to eliminate. So be aware and before judging or condemning everything or just something in the world, or only in your own lives, understand that your condemnation and judgment will affect it, as well as yourselves, and will not change anything for the better. It's not hatred the solution to achieve peace, LOVE is, and I repeat: this is not to justify wickedness or to accept it, but it is to understand how life works and from that to learn how to bring peace in the world and replace evil. Let us always remember that we influence people through our thoughts and feelings, and by loving we can change the hearts of other people because we are One, there is no separation because there is only one consciousness, not many! Only a universal consciousness: you, me, and all mankind, including those who commit horrible acts, we are the same consciousness, we compose a unit, there is not a 'me' or 'you' or 'them' to consciousness, even if we all, each of us, have our own personality and individuality. This is not philosophy, not religion, but it is reality and it is provable by everyone on his own, hence it's not the admonition to be good and not bad, or viceversa, or to follow a certain line of thought, but rather the explanation of how a human being affects the world in which he lives along with his fellow beings and then to leave him to his free will to try if this has a confirmation or not, and if it has it, and I know it has it, then it becomes a matter of great personal responsibility, obviously it's always left to the individual the discretion over its conscious use or not, along with its risks which are given by the rule 'what you sow, so you shall reap'.

All this explains logically that we are equal and we are brothers because we come from the same source, there's no difference, call it as you want but the essence of every man is the same: life is always life! Behind the errors and mistakes, behind the mask that we wear, or a brother wears, which is a facade and (I repeat) not the being, there is always the same life that animates you and me, if you and I can change our hearts, others can change theirs too, there's no difference, there is not someone better or worse than another, but only different states of being, so we cannot accept the nature of the error induced by the nature of the mask, the psychological state incarnated, but we cannot condemn the life that animates the man who made ​​the mistake or wears the mask because it is also our own and that life is greatness, infinite and eternal, therefore every human being is greatness.


Alcuni casi di successo:

Alcuni casi di successo:

P., imprenditore, voleva guadagnare un milione di euro, questa fu una sfida da parte sua perchè non credeva assolutamente che potesse essere possibile, eppure nel giro di un anno e mezzo accadde. Dopo tale manifestazione si è ricreduto e si è posto come obiettivo sei milioni di euro.

- Incremento di Fatturato -

P. aveva debiti per qualche decina di migliaia di euro, aveva subìto pignoramenti, perso il lavoro, e non vedeva via d'uscita a quella situazione perchè i creditori lo incalzavano. In tale situazione il suo matrimonio iniziava a barcollare anche perchè iniziò a deprimersi, non trovava più voglia di vivere, nè di lavorare, ed era caduto nella disperazione. Con l'uso delle legge della coscienza nel giro di tre mesi i suoi debiti furono spazzati letteralmente, lui ritrovò entusiasmo e potè ricominciare una nuova vita come desiderava.

- Eliminazione di debiti -

V. aveva perso interesse nella vita, senza lavoro, senza casa, senza motivazione, viveva passivamente e ospite di un amico dove dormiva sul suo divano. Era considerato pressappoco un fallimento. Dopo circa un anno dall'inizio di uso delle mie tecniche i risultati sono stati: V. ha iniziato a ricevere proposte di lavoro (è un artigiano) senza cercarle, tanto da arrivare ad avere una lista di attesa e dovere ingaggiare un aiutante. Ha preso casa e di bella metratura, non una precaria sistemazione. Il denaro fluisce abbondantemente nella sua vita e gli permette di coltivare anche le sue passioni. Ha implementato le sue relazioni familiari e recuperato autostima e stima altrui.

- Trasformazione globale di vita -

T., impiegato in un lavoro dipendente, aveva il desiderio di lavorare da casa almeno due giorni a settimana, ciò senza compromettere la sua posizione lavorativa, le sue mansioni, il suo stipendio, il suo contratto di lavoro con i relativi benefici. Tramite l'uso della legge della coscienza dopo due mesi circa, l'azienda per cui lavora gli comunicò di essere stato prescelto per un progetto di lavoro da casa da effettuarsi in due giorni a settimana, giorni di sua scelta. Successivamente ha manifestato di lavorare totalmente da casa sua.

- Trasformazione del lavoro dipendente -

P., imprenditore, voleva guadagnare un milione di euro, questa fu una sfida da parte sua perchè non credeva assolutamente che potesse essere possibile, eppure nel giro di un anno e mezzo accadde. Dopo tale manifestazione si è ricreduto e si è posto come obiettivo sei milioni di euro.

- Aumento di fatturato -

E. voleva che la figlia che viveva all'estero insieme al suo compagno tornasse a vivere nella sua città e vicino a lei, provvisto un lavoro di livello per il suo compagno e la casa dei loro sogni. Le dissi come fare e mise in pratica. Dopo 3 mesi seppi che tutto quello era manifestato.

- Uso della coscienza per altre persone -

S.  dopo nemmeno 2 settimane dopo la fine del mio corso Cambia il Tuo Futuro, con l'applicazione delle giuste tecniche imparate, ha ricevuto l' aumento di stipendio che desiderava.

- Aumento di stipendio -

Una coppia voleva cambiare casa e ne aveva addocchiata una che piaceva loro ma non era in vendita, con un paio di tecniche di uso consapevole della coscienza accadde che dopo circa tre mesi ne diventarono i proprietari, di fatti la proprietà di quello specifico appartamento cambió idea e decise di venderlo, ovviamente proponendolo a tale coppia che lo poté acquistare alla cifra che avevano deciso di pagare.

- Casa -

(come vedete non dovete essere agenti immobiliari per far mettere in vendita una casa!)
Questa é la testimonianza di un caso piuttosto complesso, molto doloroso ma risolto felicemente anche grazie alla grande forza di volontà e dedizione della persona in questione che non si arrese nemmeno nei momenti più bui. Tale persona era caduta in un profondo stato depressivo, pensava continuamente al suicidio, era piombata in miseria, solitudine, deperimento fisico e psicologico, → Ha riconquistato la gioia di vivere, di amarsi, di amare la sua vita ed i suoi cari con cui ha ripristinato le relazioni. Ha ridisegnato la sua vita e conformata ai suoi desideri. Il suo incubo ormai è scomparso, trasformato in un canto di gioia, ha ripreso a vivere e forgiato la sua vita a suo piacimento.

- Trasformazione personale e di vita -

Vorresti essere il prossimo caso di successo?


→ed inizia! (L'adesso è sempre il miglior tempo)

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