The import of looking within yourselves springs from the fact that man is imprisoned in a system of thought of his own, which has been built during time and which is increased by the external stimulus of a society that knows very well how to feed him with suggestions for its own sake. Those stimulus create the parameters with which he measures himself and the world; he accepts them in different proportions and builds his necessities upon those assumptions. He does not recognize that he is evaluating himself and the world 
upon parameters not of his own but suggested by the external. In this way is created the division, the concepts of right and wrong, of beauty and ugliness, of richness and poverty, of importance and unimportance, of success and failure, of goodness and badness, of peace and fight, and so on in an infinite and continuous classification and hence, division.
The power of what man observes lies in himself, therefore each of us has his responsibility in what he/she is observing every day and of the conclusions that he/she is making. In the seeking of a better future, have you ever asked yourselves if what you conclude is a thought of yours or it's induced by a mental construction that has nothing to do with what you are observing? Have you ever asked yourselves if all that is around you is real? Do you ask yourselves if you can give a different meaning to what you observe? Do you ask yourselves if you have power over your life? And after, do you give birth to a different observation or to a research of the Truth? Or do you continue to accept what you live as unchangeable and then you undergo?
All lies in the desire and the will to comprehend this truth and ascertain if each of you is a real creator of his own life or not. For then you could discover that all that you now ‘see’ has only a temporary meaning; that the 'all' is impermanent and it changes continually. Nothing is immutable, nothing is static because man is consciousness and consciousness is an energy in continuous movement. But above all, consciousness contains the ‘all’ and so ‘when we look within, we see humanity as One’ as Harendranath Maitra writes when he exhorts to look within to eliminate the war on the outside. But before him, into the most scientific book, that which traces the road to redemption and liberty, the Bible, stand the words of the Christ, ‘Seek ye first the Kingdom’ and the kingdom is within man and not on the outside, and every philosophy which accepts the Truth knows that ‘As within, so without’.
Man creates division, there is nothing on the outside that can do it for him, only he accepts the external suggestion and makes it his own, but does it recognize it? Does man recognize that he is creating separation and that he himself by his thinking is finding all the reasons for division: race, economic interests, social states, money, etc.? Reasons that in nature do not exist, because in nature doesn't exist any sort of separation, there is no reason to fight in nature, nature is a perfect and harmonious cycle naturally working without the aid of man. Man cannot add nothing to nature, man fights to restore a union that is physiological to humanity and through his fight he is creating more causes for division. He doesn't observe and he doesn't see it, but it is man that has created the necessity of fight and man feeds that necessity through the ‘light’ of reason, of right and wrong, which are concepts of his own and not existent in nature. Therefore the causes that bring him to fight for a unity, or for whatever else, are not existent, so that fight will never be the solution and will never bring to unity because it is only a projection of an inconsistent necessity.
Nature teaches it to us, nothing in nature is arranged, everything ‘flows’ in a harmonious way managed by an intelligence which is behind everything, even of man, and that allows this harmony because it is harmony itself. If no one interferes with that natural flow, everything remains invariably in harmony. It does not exist the necessity of order in nature because nature is order and perfection, man creates that necessity as every other ephemeral and inconsistent necessity, but he brings only confusion with his limited and fragmented vision of things, he creates his own suffering.
Martin Luther King says in one of his speeches about the war of Vietnam ‘Here is the true meaning and value of compassion and non-violence, when it helps us to see the enemy's point of view, to hear his questions, to know his assessment of ourselves. For from his view we may indeed see the basic weaknesses of our own condition, and if we are mature, we may learn and grow and profit from the wisdom of the brothers who are called the opposition." I agree with that point of view, it can bring us to understand the division that is created by fighting and its inutility to restore unity, and I recall King’s words "a war has never solved something", in fact if it had it, wars would not exist. That phrase clarifies the futility and destructiveness of war, but also the human blindness, pointing out the necessity to revise your own values, in first place that of human beings as beings of love. But, I would add, as beings creators of division, it's a free will that you forget to possess when you blame the outside for that division which is in yourselves, and that the outside only reminds you by doing echo to your own beliefs. Maturity can bring you to see clearly the situation, but we must understand what maturity is, it is not knowledge as man intends, it cannot be found in books, maturity is the knowledge of yourselves and of how you function. It brings you to the vision of a mental structure of beliefs and necessities that man builds in himself and that crumbles in front of the evidence that Life is at the top of all and life is harmony and union. The mature mind does not compare, the mature mind observes and sees what happens, does not judge, but it realizes. Comparison between others and yourselves brings to conflict. It is a situation not only observable into wars but also into your daily lives, when youblose yourselves into your own point of view as the unique one, forgetting the one of others, allowing your blame and condemnation of others, and in consequence the creation of division and production of disharmony. Only from an objective and loyal point of observation you can understand if you are creating it and if you are impeding yourselves to 'see' the situation as different to restore harmony. Ask yourselves: what does impede you to do it? That is the awareness which can deliver you to discover the inconsistency of your stances, they always hide some of your own necessities to justify and to acquit yourselves, and then to condemn others in order that you can feel yourselves not responsible of what you are living. They are inconsistent reasons because they could be totally the opposite, only you are those who impede yourselves to assume a better result, the choice is always up to us. Opposites compound unity, you cannot see unity if you lose of sight the vision of the so-called ‘enemy’, because you lose sight of the great part of the infinite possibilities to restore the equilibrium. Blame and condemnation are but justifications for your own mental blindness. A man that cannot stand in another point of view can only see what he sees and nothing else and above all he cannot realize who he is. The effort that should be done to be able to restore an atmosphere of comprehension, peace and harmony, is learning how to put yourselves in the other’s shoes, and being able to see you as the other sees us; from there you could know what you don't see about yourselves. It would become a profitable lesson for your own personal growth, instead of the vain fight against the other, an enemy created only by your own mind. Through his eyes you could see in yourselves the ‘basic youakness of our own condition’, that of him who sustains something that is not absolute, that is only a mental construction and one only face of the coin.
you wear a state of consciousness, we are not the state of consciousness, we are immersed in its incarnation and we can but think from that point of view, any other one is obscured to us. But, the states of consciousness are infinite, it lays in the ability of man to embody them, and as he cannot embody them contemporarily, each man lives in a different psychological state, therefore the world will be always full of different points of view; to pretend that another understands your own point of view, when we cannot comprehend his one, is a clear sign that we have not grasped how man functions. Blame and condemnation come from the misunderstanding of this profound truth, that everyone is a world of his own; everyone has his own points of view; everyone springs his ideas and his interpretations from that point of observation. Comprehension and growth lie in this understanding and all that brings to ‘maturity’ and with it we can avoid the need of conformation of others to yourselves, allowing the identities of everyone.
We can never sustain the value of others if we cannot see it and accept it in their subjective identity. Comprehension does't come from a partial view of situations, collaboration, cooperation and brotherhood cannot come if we cannot accept diversity, it follows that cannot exist comprehension of the other if at first there is not comprehension of yourselves and of the limits that you build on your own by not expanding your vision. Knowledge of yourselves and of how you function become important, it's not only a way to fulfil an objective, it's not only the ‘art of making things happen’ as many think the law of consciousness is, but it's a much more profound exigence to rid yourselves of the limits that you build, because it is from those limits that every conflict borns. This is why war or any other kind of fight will never bring the solution, there is no victory in fighting because he who indulges in fighting does not accept the principle of Unity implicit in humanity, and he only demonstrates not to accept the opportunity to comprehend himself and to deny the liberty of others to incarnate a different state of consciousness. Fight is the instrument of he who has a limited vision of the human soul and of the law of consciousness that rules him, the limit is in himself; man's consciousness is in man and not outside of him, nothing on the outside could ever free man from what imprisons him from the inside. At first he must free himself in his own consciousness. Fight is a consequence of the blindness to yourselves, of the fear of yourselves, of the limited vision of yourselves as impotent and it's not caused by the outside. It lays in refusing that life is friendly and not hostile, that without life nothing can exist, that life has in itself, in itself!, the power of harmony everywhere it vibrates, that life manifests in different forms and state of consciousness, and that it is the same Life which animates every man and there is no difference in the Source of Life of every man, we are identical in it. Life does not create to harm, life creates only to self-manifest, it abides in man and it gives man its own characteristics, only man can limit life’s manifestations of its eternal love and harmony when he himself, closed into the prison of his own fears and his own ignorance of his infinite and eternal power, loses faith in life as unique source of all and hence of the goodness. So that he blames and condemns in others what he does not see in himself but that he has in himself, because man thinks from the premises of whom he is, illusioned that he does it from the premises that the other, the enemy, inspires him. Until man lets the enemies exist in himself, he cannot acquire freedom and no victory over none enemy, because the ‘phantom’ enemy will continue to remain within himself as an illusion of external cause, therefore the outside will only be a scapegoat for his own prison; and then he will have to find other situations to win himself, pressing towards new fights on the outside.

Try to understand what in your lives creates the division that brings disharmony. Try to comprehend the incoherence and discomfort that causes you and affects your well being, bringing you to react in a bad way to the events of life and in relationships with others, because to be well within is the first step of living well with others and making them be well. Start to ask yourselves questions. Try to 'look' at situations with eyes that do not wear the images of your own bad experiences, for that creates the reaction. Try to put yourselves in the point of view of the presumed ‘enemy’ and look at yourselves through his eyes to see if you really are who you think you are. you will understand his point of view and you will learn what he sees in us, maybe it is what you refuse, but you can change it, that is the enemy in yourselves that pushes you to fight. Only when you've been eradicated that enemy, the one you have created in yourselves by your own, you will be able not to see it in another anymore, and from then on to tolerate and live together in peace and harmony.
The biblical word ‘repentance’ in Greek language means ‘change of mind’, forgiveness springs from that concept, it is not to ‘turn the other cheek’ physically, it is not to succumb, but it's the ability to modify yourselves towards the presumed ‘enemy’ and that is a personal internal fact, it's mental and not physical. you will discover into the contemplation of forgiveness as personal internal change that only you yourselves do create the separation, that it does not exist any reason to any ‘ism’ and that all ‘isms’ spring from a concept of division and classification inexistent in nature but only existent into the human mind. The difficulty to recognize it lays only in yourselves, it is only your ability to eliminate the barrier that makes you see the opposite as an enemy. This is what impedes harmony and the eradication of suffering, and it's explicit that it is an internal individual fact, the world mirrors it to you at every instant, you just have to realize it. Your life does depend only on yourselves, only by awakening to this fact, which is internal power, and re-gaining its dominion you can consciously stop to fight.
you cannot ask for peace without knowing where lays the main cause which impedes it, without showing man that it is the feeding on the tree of reason, that creates division. Comprehend what is peace exactly, otherwise how can you restore it? It is based on love and love never is based on reason. you are free only when you rid yourselves of the dependency on others, a dependency which is created by yourselves in your own mind through erroneous comprehension of reality, the power is within yourselves, it has been always there, since before that the world was, you only have forgotten it, it is called UNCONDITIONAL LOVE.

"Why do you stay in prison when the door is wide open?" (Rumi)


Alcuni casi di successo:

Alcuni casi di successo:

P., imprenditore, voleva guadagnare un milione di euro, questa fu una sfida da parte sua perchè non credeva assolutamente che potesse essere possibile, eppure nel giro di un anno e mezzo accadde. Dopo tale manifestazione si è ricreduto e si è posto come obiettivo sei milioni di euro.

- Incremento di Fatturato -

P. aveva debiti per qualche decina di migliaia di euro, aveva subìto pignoramenti, perso il lavoro, e non vedeva via d'uscita a quella situazione perchè i creditori lo incalzavano. In tale situazione il suo matrimonio iniziava a barcollare anche perchè iniziò a deprimersi, non trovava più voglia di vivere, nè di lavorare, ed era caduto nella disperazione. Con l'uso delle legge della coscienza nel giro di tre mesi i suoi debiti furono spazzati letteralmente, lui ritrovò entusiasmo e potè ricominciare una nuova vita come desiderava.

- Eliminazione di debiti -

V. aveva perso interesse nella vita, senza lavoro, senza casa, senza motivazione, viveva passivamente e ospite di un amico dove dormiva sul suo divano. Era considerato pressappoco un fallimento. Dopo circa un anno dall'inizio di uso delle mie tecniche i risultati sono stati: V. ha iniziato a ricevere proposte di lavoro (è un artigiano) senza cercarle, tanto da arrivare ad avere una lista di attesa e dovere ingaggiare un aiutante. Ha preso casa e di bella metratura, non una precaria sistemazione. Il denaro fluisce abbondantemente nella sua vita e gli permette di coltivare anche le sue passioni. Ha implementato le sue relazioni familiari e recuperato autostima e stima altrui.

- Trasformazione globale di vita -

T., impiegato in un lavoro dipendente, aveva il desiderio di lavorare da casa almeno due giorni a settimana, ciò senza compromettere la sua posizione lavorativa, le sue mansioni, il suo stipendio, il suo contratto di lavoro con i relativi benefici. Tramite l'uso della legge della coscienza dopo due mesi circa, l'azienda per cui lavora gli comunicò di essere stato prescelto per un progetto di lavoro da casa da effettuarsi in due giorni a settimana, giorni di sua scelta. Successivamente ha manifestato di lavorare totalmente da casa sua.

- Trasformazione del lavoro dipendente -

P., imprenditore, voleva guadagnare un milione di euro, questa fu una sfida da parte sua perchè non credeva assolutamente che potesse essere possibile, eppure nel giro di un anno e mezzo accadde. Dopo tale manifestazione si è ricreduto e si è posto come obiettivo sei milioni di euro.

- Aumento di fatturato -

E. voleva che la figlia che viveva all'estero insieme al suo compagno tornasse a vivere nella sua città e vicino a lei, provvisto un lavoro di livello per il suo compagno e la casa dei loro sogni. Le dissi come fare e mise in pratica. Dopo 3 mesi seppi che tutto quello era manifestato.

- Uso della coscienza per altre persone -

S.  dopo nemmeno 2 settimane dopo la fine del mio corso Cambia il Tuo Futuro, con l'applicazione delle giuste tecniche imparate, ha ricevuto l' aumento di stipendio che desiderava.

- Aumento di stipendio -

Una coppia voleva cambiare casa e ne aveva addocchiata una che piaceva loro ma non era in vendita, con un paio di tecniche di uso consapevole della coscienza accadde che dopo circa tre mesi ne diventarono i proprietari, di fatti la proprietà di quello specifico appartamento cambió idea e decise di venderlo, ovviamente proponendolo a tale coppia che lo poté acquistare alla cifra che avevano deciso di pagare.

- Casa -

(come vedete non dovete essere agenti immobiliari per far mettere in vendita una casa!)
Questa é la testimonianza di un caso piuttosto complesso, molto doloroso ma risolto felicemente anche grazie alla grande forza di volontà e dedizione della persona in questione che non si arrese nemmeno nei momenti più bui. Tale persona era caduta in un profondo stato depressivo, pensava continuamente al suicidio, era piombata in miseria, solitudine, deperimento fisico e psicologico, → Ha riconquistato la gioia di vivere, di amarsi, di amare la sua vita ed i suoi cari con cui ha ripristinato le relazioni. Ha ridisegnato la sua vita e conformata ai suoi desideri. Il suo incubo ormai è scomparso, trasformato in un canto di gioia, ha ripreso a vivere e forgiato la sua vita a suo piacimento.

- Trasformazione personale e di vita -

Vorresti essere il prossimo caso di successo?


→ed inizia! (L'adesso è sempre il miglior tempo)

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